Form, mass, shapes, line, colour, texture & pattern are the  7 elements of design.

In order to create a unique living space, experienced styling advice is critical.

We discuss styling elements & offer our creative ideas & professional advice.

Some of these include: colour, lighting, textiles, furniture and flooring

Colour can be quite daunting for some however, used correctly, it can influence the way we perceive the space & how we feel.

Many of my clients say they are nervous venturing into colour & tend to play it safe.

The use of a one colour scheme which is referred to as monochromatic , can be a great way to gradually introduce splashes of colour as the mood or seasons predict.

Textile considered a very important element that can evoke emotional reactions. Addding various colours & textures can alter the overall look & allow us to create depth & movement.

Lighting is one of my favourite tools &can change/alter a rooms ambiance & determines our use of the space. Adding softer lighting by way of lamps & dimmer switches will create a level of intimacy.

Texture apart from the tactile element texture used in tonal combinations of various finishes, add the element of interest that is created in a colourful scheme.

Lighter & brighter mirrors offer the additional benefit of adding light to any room. A well-placed mirror will add light & create a sense of space to any room.

Large mirrors will provide a focal point & help to tie in other decorative elements of the room.

It is important to note however, that your choice of frame compliments all the other elements rather than overpower.